Article name Conciliarity and Collectivity as the Sense Forming Ideas of a Domestic Philosophical and Pedagogical Thought
Authors Rogova A.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description Rogova A. V. Conciliarity and Collectivity as the Sense Forming Ideas of a Domestic Philosophical and Pedagogical Thought // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 85–92. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-85-92.
UDK 37.013.73
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-85-92
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the concepts interpretation of conciliarity and collectivity of the domestic philosophical and pedagogical thought of the pre-revolutionary period, a stage of the Russian abroad and also of the Soviet period; sources of concepts, their general base are revealed, specifics of the quite state system are defined; productive use aspects of concepts of conciliarity and collectivity in modern pedagogics are shown. The author reveals the historical and cultural process of the meaningful development of the concept of “conciliarity” in the works of Slavophiles, V. S. Solovyov, N. A. Berdyaev, I. A. Ilyin, P. Florensky, N. O. Lossky, V. V. Zenkovsky, S. N. Bulgakov, etc., where it is considered as an important spiritual and ontological value, as a condition for the preservation and development of individuality; shows the reflection of the positions of religious philosophers in the methodology of domestic pedagogy and the theory of religious and moral education of the pre-revolutionary period and pedagogy of Russian abroad. The article demonstrates the transformation of conciliarity into the concept of “collectivity” in Soviet pedagogy on a fundamentally different ideological and theoretical Foundation, when the community is a means of forming the typical qualities of the individual. Comparative analysis of the context of the concepts of “unity” and “team” development at has allowed to identify the General basis of education of the individual in terms of integral unity and the opposite mechanisms of interaction between man and society, to show the search for domestic psychologists and teachers in the field of harmonization of relations between the team and the individual for the development of individuality.
Key words conciliarity, collectivity, philosophical and pedagogical thought, sense-formation, social philosophy, religious philosophy, soviet Pedagogics
Article information
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Full articleConciliarity and Collectivity as the Sense Forming Ideas of a Domestic Philosophical and Pedagogical Thought