Article name Research Activities to Study the Environmental Condition of the Atmosphere in Chita (Within the Implementation of the Educational Part of a Project to Analyze Resilience of Transbaikalia Schoolchildren and Students)
Authors Saraeva N.M. Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Igumnova E.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Sukhanov A.A. Candidate of Psychology, associate professor,,
Bibliographic description Saraeva N. M., Igumnova E. A., Sukhanov A. A. Research Activities to Study the Environmental Condition of the Atmosphere in Chita (Within the Implementation of the Educational Part of a Project to Analyze Resilience of Transbaikalia Schoolchildren and Students)// Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. РР. 147–152. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2019-14-5-147-152.
UDK 377.1
DOI 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2019-14-5-147-152
Article type
Annotation The study presents content and realization of scientific and educational component of the international research project on the problem of resilience of the young population living in the situation of social and environmental risks. Topicality of the research question is determined by the importance of information on the normal vital activity threats, optimal psychic condition of young people (senior schoolchildren and university students). Researchers from the Republic of South Africa took part in the study. According to the project, schoolchildren and students are supposed to do independent research aimed at studying the environmental (physical) condition of the territory they live in and carrying out educational work. For instance, in Chita that is considered to be an environmentally unfavorable city, the students evaluated atmospheric pollution by vehicle emissions. The methods they applied involved semiannual monitoring of air pollution, field studies including calculation of the number of vehicles passing and at the traffic lights. The project participants are taught to use complicated methods for analyzing the state of the atmosphere. The results obtained will be presented during classroom hours and research and practice conferences. The aim is to form ecocentric consciousness of young people. The event can be considered as a form of citizen science realization as schoolchildren, students and different specialists participated in it.
Key words resilience of young people, unfavorable environmental conditions, research and educational activity, study of the state of the atmosphere, citizen science
Article information
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Full articleResearch Activities to Study the Environmental Condition of the Atmosphere in Chita (Within the Implementation of the Educational Part of a Project to Analyze Resilience of Transbaikalia Schoolchildren and Students)