Article name Organization of Teaching New Languages in Real Schools (Based on Materials of Pre-Soviet Period Editions)
Authors Levchenko O.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor, levchenkozip@
Bibliographic description Levchenko O. Yu. Organization of Teaching New Languages in Real Schools (Based on Materials of Pre-Soviet Period Editions) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. РР. 70–78. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-5-70-78.
UDK 373(091)
Article type
Annotation The study of the history of domestic foreign language education continues to remain relevant, since some aspects of this problem have not received their comprehensive description. In this regard, the activity of real schools is of undoubted interest, the understanding of the experience of which has practical importance in the context of improving the quality of teaching foreign languages, developing subject concepts and further improving the mathematical and natural science training of students. The issues of real education, which were the subject of special attention of state and public figures, representatives of the pedagogical community and entrepreneurship, received wide coverage in publications published in the pre-Soviet period. The theoretical analysis of historical and pedagogical editions demonstrates a certain specificity of teaching foreign languages in real schools. The study of ancient languages was the prerogative of classical gymnasiums, while in real schools the emphasis was on the learning of new languages. The training course was aimed at acquiring skills in various types of speech activity and provided for the achievement of not only developing and educational, but also practical goals. The program set tasks for each stage of training and contained recommendations on the organization of educational activities. Much attention was paid to reading. Awareness of the importance of foreign language education contributed to the search for the most effective forms of educational activity on the lesson.
Key words history of pedagogy, teaching, foreign languages, real school, new languages
Article information
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Full articleOrganization of Teaching New Languages in Real Schools (Based on Materials of Pre-Soviet Period Editions)