Article name Application of Augmented Reality Technology as a Condition for the Formation of Students’ Skills as Future Specialists
Authors Desnenko S.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Fedotova A.D. Postgraduate Student, a.d._fedotova@mail.r
Bibliographic description Desnenko S. I., Fedotova A. D. Application of Augmented Reality Technology as a Condition for the Formation of Students’ Skills as Future Specialists // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 1. РР. 50–58. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-1-50-58.
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-1-50-58
Article type
Annotation In the article, based on the analysis of studies devoted to the application of augmented reality technologies in teaching university students, the authors highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using this technology in education. It is substantiated that the effective use of digital technologies, including augmented reality technologies, is possible if the specialist has digital literacy, which includes digital skills. The authors of the study substantiate the importance of the problem of using augmented reality technology as a condition for the formation of students’ digital skills as future specialists. The article examines and analyzes three groups of digital skills that make up digital literacy: main functional (basic) digital skills, general digital skills, specialized professional digital skills. An analysis of the curricula implemented at the Transbaikal State University in several areas of training is carried out to identify the possibilities of using augmented reality technology in teaching students as future specialists. Examples of the use of various types of educational applications of augmented reality in the educational process of higher education are given; the difficulties arising in this are analyzed. In conclusion, it is concluded that the problem stated in the article can be solved by implementing special training of future specialists for the formation of specialized professional digital skills. The authors of the article outline the ways of organizing such training and provide recommendations for its implementation.
Key words digital technologies, augmented reality technology, digital skills, university student
Article information
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Full articleApplication of Augmented Reality Technology as a Condition for the Formation of Students’ Skills as Future Specialists