Article name Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of the Process of Teaching English to Preschoolers
Authors Mikheeva T.B. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Nichiporyuk E.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,,
Bibliographic description Mikheeva T. B., Nichiporyuk E. A. Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of the Process of Teaching English to Preschoolers // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. РР. 27–33. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-27-33.
UDK 373.21
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-27-33
Article type
Annotation Currently, there are controversial issues in pedagogical science about learning a foreign language in preschool institutions. The development of thinking and the formation of communicative abilities is an important psychological and pedagogical task of modern preschool education. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of children of older preschool age-5–7-year-olds. This age is the most favorable for mastering a foreign language. Psychological features of preschool children are the intensive formation of cognitive abilities, quick and easy memorizing of language information, special sensitivity to the phenomena of language, the ability to imitate. Learning English at preschool age stimulates the development of general speech abilities and lays the foundation for communication in a foreign language in the future, successful and not constrained by any barriers. Older preschoolers have an increased need to communicate with their peers, which is implemented through gaming activities. Teaching English to preschoolers is most effective with the use of linguodidactic games. The use of games in the English language classes ensures maximum activity of children, since playing is the most natural form of behavior of children. The game gives you the opportunity to present serious content in an accessible, emotionally meaningful way.
Key words preschool education, English, senior preschool age, game technology, linguodidactic games
Article information
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Full articlePsychological and Pedagogical Foundations of the Process of Teaching English to Preschoolers