Article name Stereotypes of the Upbringing Value: Refraction Depending on the Real Needs of Modern Children
Authors Yafizova R.I. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,,
Nichiporenko L.K. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Yafizova R. I., Nichiporenko L. K. Stereotypes of the Upbringing Value: Refraction Depending on the Real Needs of Modern Children // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. РР. 129–139. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-129-139.
UDK 37.012
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-129-139
Article type
Annotation The article highlights the study of the problem of the formation of value orientations of education in the educational process. The authors tried to determine the modern values of upbringing and to reveal the teacher’s readiness to refract the existing stereotypes of upbringing values to the real needs of a modern child. The article reveals the results of sociological and pedagogical research, which allows the authors to correlate the real needs, demands of modern children, the specifics of the existing subculture and what significant adults are oriented towards, who determine the content, approaches in the upbringing and education of children. The results of studying the ideas and requests of not only children, but also parents and teachers are highlighted.The research methodology is based on the key ideas of the competence-based and subjective approach. The main methods of studying the stated problems are: analysis, interpretation and systematization of theoretical and experimental data. The analysis of the studied patterns was carried out from the standpoint of interdisciplinarity, pedagogical and social phenomena were considered as holistic, which made it possible to develop an approach to methodological support of teachers in the organization of significant and valuable educational events for preschoolers. In the context of the research, labour actions are identified that are most characteristic of teachers in the implementation of the event-based approach. The potential of labor actions that are not included in the repertoire of specialists has been studied, the motivation for this has been determined. The obtained results of the study made it possible to identify and describe the options for relevant technological tracks in educational approaches, to determine the specifics of the organization of educational events in a preschool institution, to draw practical conclusions that allow us to design subsequent directions for study.
Key words upbringing stereotypes, upbringing values, value attitude, children’s subculture, children’s needs
Article information
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Full articleStereotypes of the Upbringing Value: Refraction Depending on the Real Needs of Modern Children