Article name On Solving Problems of Thermal Conductivity on an Anisotropic Plane with a Weakly Permeable Film
Authors Kholodovsky S.Y. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Orlov A.O. ,
Bibliographic description Kholodovskii S. Уе.; Orlov A. O. On Solving Problems of Thermal Conductivity on an Anisotropic Plane with a Weakly Permeable Film // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 15, No. 3. PP. 115-121. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-3-115-121.
UDK 530: 517.956
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-3-115-121
Article type
Annotation The problem of thermal conductivity on an anisotropic plane (x,y) divided into two halfplanes < x < 0, y G R) and D2(0 < x < те, y G R) by a weakly permeable film x = 0 is considered at given heat sources and a given initial temperature. The anisotropy ellipses are arbitrary (in magnitude and direction) and are the same at all points of the plane. Using the method of convolution of Fourier expansions, the solution of the problem is expressed in single quadratures through the well-known solution of the classical Cauchy problem on an isotropic plane without a film. The results obtained are of practical interest in the problems of heat propagation and conservation in materials with anisotropic properties (crystalline, fibrous materials), in the presence of a thermal insulation film.
Key words boundary value problems of thermal conductivity, weakly permeable film, the method of convolution of Fourier expansions
Article information
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