Article name On the Application of Foresight in Education for Sustainable Development
Authors Ermakov D.S. Doctor of Pedagogy, Candidate of Chemistry,
Ermakov A.S. Candidate of Biology,
Kolesova E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Ermakov D. S., Ermakov A. S., Kolesova E. V. On the Application of Foresight in Education for Sustainable Development // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 4. РР. 55–64. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-4-55-64.
UDK 37.014
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-4-55-64
Article type
Annotation Education is the most important mechanism for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the methodological difficulties in the implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD) is associated with its proactive, predictive nature. In this regard, when designing ESD, it seems appropriate to use technologies of futurology, particularly, the technology of foresight. The article considers the main features of foresight and examples of its application in Russian education. The results of the foresight session on the design of ESD as an innovative pedagogical system and the development of a “roadmap” for the implementation of ESD in the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 are presented. 14 experts took part in this work (21 % are with D. Sc. degree, 50 % are with Ph. D. degree; average teaching experience is 17,4 years, including 12,6 years in the field of ESD). During the STEEPV analysis, we identified the main social, technological, economic, environmental, political, and value-based factors that will affect both the education system in general and ESD in particular. The SWOT analysis allowed us to determine the characteristic features of ESD, regarding its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In the brainstorming mode, the main elements of the ESD roadmap for the next 10 years (trends, technologies, formats / social practices, and “jokers” / bifurcation points) were identified. In general, obtained results are consistent with the key directions of the development of Russian education to achieve the SDGs, and are also aimed at solving the main problems in the field of ESD. This research will be continued.
Key words sustainable development, education for sustainable development, futurology, foresight, design
Article information
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