Annotation |
The article investigates the case-technology as a means of increasing students’ motivation for
reading, the significance of innovative method used in Literature Courses and the importance of the
personality of the teacher are determined. The author analyzes this method, its structure, the terms
of application, the necessary stages, considers those skills and abilities that are actualized with
its help in the process of studying the teaching material, emphasizes that they are universal, thus,
should be applied in all spheres of life, including professional. For solving these tasks an attempt is
made to create a series of cases on the topic “The Life and Works of J. R. R. Tolkien. “The Hobbit,
or There and Back Again”. The proposed cases include different types and forms of work in the
classroom: the preparation of a presentation, the public speech, a route, an excursion, a project,
a review of a given problem, etc. The objective of this work is to interest students, to reveal their
creative potential, to teach them to think, to reason, to draw conclusions, to compare information,
and, what is a priority, to involve them in reading fiction. The class based on the case study method
is of interest to school teachers and university lecturers. The material can be used not only directly
in the classroom in literature classes, but also at extracurricular activities, that will help to diversify
the educational process and achieve the necessary educational results. |
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