Article name Contextual Factors Formation of a National Teacher Growth System
Authors Gerasimova R.E. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Abramova V.G. Deputy Director for Teaching and Educational,
Alekseeva I.S. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Gerasimova R. E., Abramova V. G., Alekseeva I. A. Contextual Factors Formation of a National Teacher Growth System // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 5. РР. 151–158. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-5-151-158.
UDK 378.046
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-5-151-158
Article type
Annotation In the article, the authors consider the theoretical and practical issues of the implementation of the national system of teacher growth, where it becomes especially important to create optimal conditions, taking into account the requirements of professional standards, as well as the method of introducing the national system of teacher growth as a set of elements and relationships that are naturally connected with each other into a single whole. The priority goal of the article is to reveal some of the features of managing the professional growth of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the project of the national system of teacher growth based on the analysis and generalization of the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of adult education. The authors note that the lack of common approaches and common understanding in improving the professional competence of teaching staff, in general, their professional and career growth, can become the main problem in improving the quality of education. In this regard, this article pays special attention to the problems of additional professional education of teachers, as well as some of its mechanisms for the systematic provision of continuous professional education. Analysis and generalization of pedagogical works, regulatory and legal documents, as well as analysis and generalization of practical experience, etc. allowed the development of some local documents, which contributed to the improvement of the professional level of teaching staff, their competence. The article presents the results of the implementation of the developed program “Teacher of the Future”, as well as “Regulations on the distribution of percentage allowances (funding ratio) for the agro-profile activities of a teacher”, providing pedagogical conditions to meet the needs of teaching staff. Thus, the effectiveness and quality of teachers’ activity is effectively influenced not only by the introduction of an effective contract with specific indicators based on the provision, but also by the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions, including the formation of conditions for systematic advanced training of teachers, and, if necessary, retraining through additional professional programs.
Key words national system of teacher growth, professional standard, new model of teacher certification, professional development, effective contract, additional professional education
Article information
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