Article name Feature Film as a Means of Teaching Foreign Philology Students the Russian Language
Authors Abrosimova, O.L. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Abrosimova O. L. Feature Film as a Means of Teaching Foreign Philology Students the Russian language // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. РР. 6–14. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2022-17-1-6-15.
UDK 811.161.1
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-17-1-6-15
Article type
Annotation The article considers feature film as one of the auxiliary means in teaching the Russian language to foreign students. The relevance of the article lies in the recent trend in learning a foreign language through the comprehension of culture. During the study, some results were achieved that contribute to the optimization of the work with feature films at the Russian as a foreign language lessons. The main directions of its analysis in a foreign student audience are described: textocentric, audiovisual, linguoculturological, communicative. The significance of a comprehensive feature film analysis for better knowledge of culture and language learning is determined. The complexity involves the interpretation of the visual series and audio order, the discourse meanings analysis, the definition and development of sociocultural and linguistic cultural components, as well as the identification in the film of the most typical speech behaviors. It is noted that when analyzing the film in the textocentric aspect, discourse should be considered taking into account pragmatic, sociocultural, psychological factors, students’ ethnic characteristics, differences in behavior patterns in similar situations among different countries representatives. The article considers the linguoculturological component, the use of which, when analyzing the film, helps to reveal linguistic and cultural universals for students, teach to draw parallels, adequately evaluate the situation, and identify themselves in it. The pre-viewing and post-viewing tasks system developed and tested in practice is also presented and it contributes to better assimilation of the film text in Russian cinema classes at the university. It is noted that the feature film comprehensive analysis contributes to the formation of a competent, fluent in the language, an educated specialist in philology, who has an extensive background knowledge, loves Russian language, culture, literature, history; to educate the personality – creative, tolerant, capable of intercultural interaction.
Key words feature film, Russian as a foreign language, philology, complex analysis, linguoculturological analysis
Article information
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Full articleFeature Film as a Means of Teaching Foreign Philology Students the Russian Language