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The article describes the assessment of the practice of active participation of university students in the implementation of activities of the social project “Organization of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture of the younger generation in the field of solid waste management.” The aim of the study was to form the ecological culture of university students through their participation in environmental education activities as part of a social project. The methodological basis for studying the problem of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture of university students is represented by the works of E. V. Girusov, S. N. Glazachev, A. N. Zakhlebny, I. D. Zverev, A. N. Leontyev, N. N. Marfenin, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. D. Ursula, V. A. Yasvin and others. The research methods are: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization of scientific literature on the research problem, psychological and diagnostic testing. In the course of the study ascertaining stage implementation, the diagnostics of the level of the ecological culture formation of university students has been carried out. The results have showed the presence of a problem – an insufficient (average) level of ecological culture formation, which indicated the need for work aimed at its further formation. The formative stage has been aimed at attracting volunteer students to participate in the project, through the organization and conduct of environmental campaigns, creative contests, events for environmental education and education of the target group, helping to form their understanding of the importance of separate collection and recycling of waste. The study of the possibility of the ecological culture formation of university students has not been completed, it is planned to conduct a control stage to assess the effectiveness of environmental education work. |
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