Article name Comparative Analysis of the Research of the Bachelors of Education’s Attitude to the Organization of the Ecological Culture Education in School
Authors Igumnova E.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Popova N.N. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Levdanskaya Y.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Zherebyatnikova G.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Igumnova E. A., Popova N. N., Levdanskaya Yu. Yu., Zherebyatnikova G. V. Comparative Analysis of the Research of the Bachelors of Education’s Attitude to the Organization of the Ecological Culture Education in School // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. PP. 48–63. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-202-17-1-48-63.
UDK 376.1
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-17-1-48-63
Article type
Annotation Global problems and the high rate of social change determine the transformation of the requirements for the professional training of a teacher. The article analyzes the regulatory documents that set the guidelines for the development of environmental education for sustainable development. Comparative analysis of empirical data from questionnaires (2010 – 152 people and 2020 – 106 people) was aimed at identifying ways to improve the professional training of bachelors of education in the context of increasing global and regional environmental problems, the development of a “green” economy and politics, formation of ecological culture as key factors of sustainable development of society.High and average values of correlation loads by types of activity, influencing the formation of competencies among students in the field of environmental education (educational, research and pedagogical practice (r = 0,968), scientific research work with pedagogical practice (r = 0,713)). A connection has been revealed between the use of environmental technologies and government measures (r = 0,999; p≤0,05), which characterizes the readiness of bachelors of education to perceive environmental problems and interact with objects of the natural environment through the active and systematic use of environmental technologies. The necessity of implementing common methodological foundations in the process of training future teachers (the concept of sustainable development, ideas of axiological, socio-cultural and competence-based approaches, noohumanistic values) has been substantiated. The scaling of the best university practices for preparing bachelors for educational activities at school, implementing the value aspects of the subject content in the context of the formation of a network community and digitalization of education (socially significant projects, competitive gaming programs in an online format, educational quests, etc.) is proposed.
Key words sustainable development, education, environmental education, environmental culture, environmental attitudes
Article information
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Full articleComparative Analysis of the Research of the Bachelors of Education’s Attitude to the Organization of the Ecological Culture Education in School