Article name Reception of Social Education Ideas of Foreign (late 19th – early 20th centuries) and Soviet Pedagogy in the Theory and Practice of Transbaikal Scientists
Authors Rogova A.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description Rogova A. V. Reception of Social Education Ideas of Foreign (late 19th – early 20th centuries) and Soviet Pedagogy in the Theory and Practice of Transbaikal Scientists // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. PP. 89–99. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-202-17-1-89-99.
Section Scientific Life
UDK 37.0 (47)
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-17-1-89-99
Article type
Annotation In accordance with the current relevance of the issues of socialization of the younger generations, the article analyzes the development of methodology and methodology of social education in foreign and Soviet pedagogy of the 1920s–1930s. Two directions of the social education implementation are identified: one focused on the preparation of a citizen subordinate to the state interests, considered from the standpoint of an authoritarian approach, and the other – related to the education of an initiative active, creatively self-fulfilling personality, conditioned by a humanistic approach. The author of the article emphasizes the anthropological significance of the social development of the individual, formulated the fundamental principles of positive social education. It shows the departure in subsequent years from the leading positions of humanistic reform pedagogy and the ideas of the classics of Soviet pedagogy. At the same time, the continuity of the personal orientation of social education in the theory and practice of V. A. Sukhomlinsky and such Transbaikal historians of pedagogy as G. A. Barkin and A. F. Verkhotina is revealed. The author of the article characterizes the contribution of the Transbaikal scientists who reveal their own understanding of the process of social formation of a person on the basis of understanding the humanistic component of the concept of the founders of Soviet pedagogy. The article indicates that the accumulated significant historical and pedagogical potential of positive socialization can be useful for solving modern problems in the field of social education. Despite the fact that considerable experience of positive social education has been accumulated in the history of pedagogy, the entry into the digital age, which has not only a positive but also a negative impact on a person, presupposes the creative development of the heritage of the past and requires new approaches to social education issues.
Key words reception, social education, personal orientation, citizen of the state, reformatory pedagogy, pedagogy of cooperation
Article information
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Full articleReception of Social Education Ideas of Foreign (late 19th – early 20th centuries) and Soviet Pedagogy in the Theory and Practice of Transbaikal Scientists