Annotation |
The article is devoted to one of the problems solved by education for sustainable development –
accessibility of education for all. The history of the concept of “inclusion” is considered. The authors
conclude that accessibility of education for sustainable development is inclusion in a broad sense:
such educational process organization, which includes all children regardless of their physical,
mental, intellectual, cultural-ethnic, linguistic and other features into a single educational system,
which ensures satisfaction of various educational needs of students – boys and girls, living in town
and village, permanent residents and migrants, children with various health conditions. Inclusion
is a highly humanistic idea that can ensure that all learners in 2030 acquire the knowledge and
skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable
development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture
of peace and non-violence, citizenship of peace, and appreciation of cultural diversity and the
contribution of culture to sustainable development (SDG 4.7). The purpose of this article is to
summarize the problems of inclusion in general education in Russia and to explore the opinions
of general education teachers on how to overcome them. The authors present and analyze the
results of a survey of elementary school teachers from seven subjects of the Russian Federation,
aimed at identifying their opinions on the problem of universal accessibility of education in inclusion
classes. It is revealed that they connect the solution of this problem primarily with the priority of
social, medical and special psychological and pedagogical assistance while underestimating the
possibilities of general and non-specific pedagogical approaches (for example, regimen, preventive
and rehabilitation measures), as well as the potential of developmental education as a tool to form
the abilities to study, communicate, cooperate, live, change yourself and the world. The conclusion
is made that on the way to achieving universal accessibility of general education teachers should be
trained in a flexible and varied combination of general and special approaches. |
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