Article name Organization of Practical Classes in Physics at a Technical University Using the Technology of “Flipped Learning”
Authors Vaganova V.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor,
Vaganova V.G. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Vaganova V. I., Vaganova V. G. Organization of Practical Classes in Physics at a Technical University Using the Technology of “Flipped Learning” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 3. РР. 62–69. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-3-62-69.
UDK 378.147:53
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-3-62-69
Article type
Annotation Modern conditions for the availability of various kinds of electronic devices, free and unlimited access to information educational resources, as well as a high level of mastering ICT technologies among today’s youth create conditions for the use of educational technologies of blended learning in the educational process of the university (with a reduction in hours for studying disciplines) in particular, the technology of “flipped” learning. The article deals with the issues of introducing the technology under consideration into the educational process of a technical university during practical classes in physics. The peculiarity of this technology is associated with the “coup” of the educational process, when classroom and extracurricular learning activities change places. For students, an action program is created, according to which they perform a number of steps to study the topic, and tasks corresponding to a low level of cognitive activity are mastered independently in extracurricular time, and more complex ones – in the classroom together with the teacher. As a result, there is a gradual formation of a number of competencies. The educational activity of students outside the classroom takes place in the information educational environment of the university; all types of educational activities are evaluated using a point-rating system of control. On the example of studying the module “Calculation of electrical circuits. Kirchhoff’s Laws” the authors demonstrate the use of “flipped” learning technology in teaching problem solving. A program of educational activities has been created for students to form subject competencies in teaching problem solving, which consists of a number of steps that must be completed, the effectiveness of each stage is evaluated either in the information educational environment (tasks in extracurricular time) or by the teacher (for tasks performed in classroom time). As a result of the phased implementation of a given program, students master the module being studied, and the corresponding subject competencies are formed. An experimental verification of the application of the technology of “flipped” learning was carried out on the basis of the Physics department of the East Siberian University of Technology and Management when teaching students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering by the method of control and experimental groups.
Key words technology of “flipped” learning, informational educational environment of the university, teaching physics at a technical university, blended teaching of physics, point-rating system of control, solving problems in physics
Article information
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Full articleOrganization of Practical Classes in Physics at a Technical University Using the Technology of “Flipped Learning”