Article name Formation of Personal Readiness of Students of a Technical University to Master Professional Actions
Authors Maksimenko E.V. Postgraduate ,
Bibliographic description Maksimenko E. V. Formation of Personal Readiness of Students of a Technical University to Master Professional Actions // Scholarly Notes of the Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, no. 4. РР. 56–65. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-56-65.
UDK 159.9
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-56-65
Article type Original article
Annotation This article substantiates the problem of the formation of the personal readiness of students of a technical university to master professional actions. The author proves the need to detail the structural components of personal readiness for the formation of professional competencies of students in a technical university. The concept of personal readiness of students of a technical university to master professional actions is presented. The ability of a future specialist to competently solve technical problems related to the high-quality operation of railway transport, ensuring the safety of goods and passengers is understood as the ability to self-regulate their own emotional state. The article presents a structural model of the personal readiness of future railway engineers. The structural elements of a student’s personal readiness include cognitive-personal, motivational, emotional and volitional components. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the phenomenon of personal readiness of students of a technical university to master professional actions with the definition of a dominant link in each structural element, which in the future will be the basic factor in the effective implementation of engineering and technical tasks. To conduct a deeper analysis of the phenomenon of personal readiness and establish functional relationships between its elements, the study is turned to the provisions of the competency-based approach. The author concluded that the formation of production competencies of future railway specialists directly depends on the successful formation of the elements of personal readiness among students of a technical university.
Key words student of a technical university, personal readiness, professional activity, mental self-regulation, professional competencies
Article information
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Full articleFormation of Personal Readiness of Students of a Technical University to Master Professional Actions