Article name Methodological Approaches in the Formation of Content and Methodological Apparatus of Textbooks “Folklore of the Transbaikal Territory”, “Literature of the Trans-Baikal Territory”
Authors Kamedina L.V. Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor,
Sergeeva V.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Baranova O.Y. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description Kamedina L. V., Sergeeva V. A., Baranova O. Yu. Methodological Approaches in the Formation of Content and Methodological Apparatus of Textbooks “Folklore of the Transbaikal Territory”, “Literature of the Trans-Baikal Territory” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, no. 4. PP. 82–93. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-82-93.
UDK 372.882.116.11
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-82-92
Article type Original article
Annotation This article presents the methodological approaches used in the formation of a new textbook “Folklore of the Transbaikal Territory”, “Literature of the Transbaikal Territory”, published by the Moscow publishing house “Russian Word” in 2019/2020. The authors of the textbook are teachers of the Department of Literature of ZabGU. The relevance of writing the presented methodological article is explained, firstly, by the increased interest in regional literature, and, secondly, by the rejection of the old Soviet traditional methodology, which is still characteristic of many regional historical and local history publications, and the presentation of other methodological approaches, in particular structural-functional and axiological, to educational literature. The object of the study was the textbook “Folklore of the Transbaikal Territory”, “Literature of the Transbaikal Territory”, and the subject of the study was the methodological approaches used in the formation of this textbook and their functioning in school lessons and in independent home reading through a system of questions, tasks, projects for schoolchildren. The purpose of the study of methodological approaches in compiling the textbook was to identify a new view of the regional world, the functioning of its values in the socio-cultural space of the Transbaikal Territory and Russia as a whole. The novelty of the study lies in the identification of a new view of the regional world through a new selection of texts in the textbook and a new look at the Transbaikal text through a system of questions and tasks, projects and independent studies involving the formulation of hypotheses, the formulation of generalizing conclusions, the use of design technologies, in general, the study semiospheres of the Transbaikalian text, which will be of interest to both the teacher and the student. The scope of this study is the school education of the Transbaikal Territory. The manual is a serious methodological aid to the language teacher for organizing the literary education of schoolchildren and choosing methodological approaches to the study of the material presented.
Key words structural-functional and axiological approaches, historical-typological and semiotic methods, methodology of gnoseocentric and aesthetic trends in the metasubject approach
Article information
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Full articleMethodological Approaches in the Formation of Content and Methodological Apparatus of Textbooks “Folklore of the Transbaikal Territory”, “Literature of the Trans-Baikal Territory”