Article name Environmental Literacy for Sustainable Development
Authors Kolina E.S. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description Kolina E. S. Environmental Literacy for Sustainable Development // Scholarly Notes of the Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 1. Pp. 22–29. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-1-22-29.
UDK 377
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-1-22-29
Article type Original article
Annotation The introduction of environmental literacy as a basic type of literacy into the global education system is a natural process. Attention to this indicator is increased when positioning environmental education as a platform for education for sustainable development. A sustainable society is an environmentally literate society which does not destroy the natural environment which sustains it. Comparison of ideas about the structure (invariants, frameworks) of ecological literacy reveals a great diversity of opinions. The article is devoted to the comparison of structural models of ecological literacy used abroad and offered in domestic pedagogy for ecological/environmental education for sustainable development. Different bases (criteria) for different authors distinguish components of ecological literacy are revealed. The author has divided them into two groups: with psychological and pedagogical criteria and with predominantly cultural grounds. It is concluded that psychological and pedagogical criteria of pedagogical literacy structure development are used in the variants of ecological education, focused on the formation of literacy as its main result. Culturological criteria of this pedagogical indicator began to be developed in ecological education, the aim of which is the formation of ecological culture. Comparison of different approaches to the selection of criteria for structuring environmental literacy as an indicator of environmental education for sustainable development has revealed both their common features and peculiarities. It has been determined that the common criteria of highlighted groups of criteria are: knowledge of ecology and environmental problems, cognitive skills as well as environmentally responsible (eco-friendly, biosphere-compatible) behaviour in the environment. The psychological-pedagogical framework of environmental literacy also includes sensual-emotional criterion and socio-political knowledge. Cultural framework of ecological literacy includes semiotic (language, signs, symbols) and axiological (value) components, as well as a component of solving contradictions of ecological consciousness, and subjective, or cultural-creative one. The conclusion is made, that the choice by a teacher-practitioner of this or that model of measurement of ecological literacy of students should correspond to the realized variant of ecological education, the purpose which is put in it.
Key words general education system, ecological/environmental education, aims of education, ecological literacy, evaluation criteria of ecological literacy
Article information
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Full articleEnvironmental Literacy for Sustainable Development