Article name Teacher Evaluation Documents and Procedures in High-Performing APR–Countries: Hong Kong and Singapore
Authors Korshunova N.L. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Matveeva E.F. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description Кorshunova N. L., Matveeva Е. F. Teacher Evaluation Documents and Procedures in High-Performing APR-Countries: Hong Kong and Singapore // Scholarly Notes of the Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 1. P. 68–81. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-1-68-81.
UDK 377.8
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-1-68 -81
Article type Original article
Annotation The paper highlights the issue of teacher’s professional competence assessment and standardization in teacher professional activity as essential for improving teaching quality. The authors refer to the best-world experience in teacher evaluation and accountability in two top-performing educational systems in the world – those of Hong Kong and Singapore. This paper is an in-depth case study that aims to describe and compare the competency-based tools used there for teacher performance evaluation. The following aspects of the documents are paid attention to in the paper: the purpose of the standards/document, the target groups and, the structure. In the course of the research, some theoretical methods, including a comparative analysis, the method of evaluation and systematization of the used materials on the selected theme were used. The analysis of the professional standards for teachers in Hong Kong and Singapore has shown that, along with the differences in certain aspects, there are some features which are likely to make them effective in practice. It is assumed that using these documents contribute to holding these countries’ senior positions in performing teacher assessment systems and in the sphere of world education as well. The paper concludes by suggesting its contribution to the discussion of the problem of the development and implementation of a proper unified national teacher evaluation and accountability system based on competency-oriented teacher standards in Russia. It is also expected that the findings could be useful in the development of the Unified Federal Evaluation Materials for teacher assessment and accountability in the country.
Key words standardization of teacher professional activity, teacher competence assessment, teaching competency standards, purpose of the standards, target groups, arrangement of the standards, comparative analysis
Article information
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Full articleTeacher Evaluation Documents and Procedures in High-Performing APR–Countries: Hong Kong and Singapore