Article name The Formation of the Theory and Methodology of Human Education in the Works of Ya. A. Komensky and in the Russian Philosophical and Pedagogical Ideas of the 19th ‒ first half of the 20th centuries
Authors Rogova A.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description Rogova A. V. The Formation of the Theory and Methodology of Human Education in the Works of Ya. A. Komensky and in the Russian Philosophical and Pedagogical Ideas of the 19th ‒ first half of the 20th centuries // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 1. P. 124-136. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-1-124-136.
UDK 37.013.73
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-1-124-136
Article type Original article
Annotation During the periods of cultural and civilizational choice of the development of the world community, the problem of the importance of human education as a mechanism for preserving its highest humanistic purpose arises before it with all the evidence and urgency. In this connection, there is a need for a holistic retrospective study of the theory and methodology of education as a fundamental category of pedagogy – the science of the “spiritual guidance” of an individual from the sphere of natural childhood into the world of cultural adulthood. Philosophical and pedagogical heritage of Ya. A. Komensky, which analysis is presented in the article, has determined the content of the target and value attitudes of further research for the next centuries. The pansophical idea of the integrity and unity of the world and man, based on Christian methodology, became the basis, among other things, for the development of Russian philosophical and pedagogical thought, the intensive formation of which was carried out in the XIX century. In this regard, the article shows the significance of the views of Slavophiles on conciliarity, the theory of unity of V. S. Solovyov in the design on the canons of Orthodoxy of Russian pedagogy. The approaches to the realization of the pansophic idea in anthropologically oriented works of a number of Russian scientists are revealed. The leading directions of the search and interpretation of the ideas of Ya. A. Komensky are highlighted. In the context of the development of anthropological pedagogy, the growth of new knowledge based on the achievements of the humanities of that time, in particular, psychology, is shown. The article reveals the basic positions of scientists in understanding the spiritual essence of man on the basis of a comparative analysis of the philosophical and pedagogical ideas of Ya. A. Komensky and representatives of the Russian diaspora; the unity of the divine and the earthly; the role of natural, social and cultural factors and the importance of the category of integrity in the upbringing and education of the individual. The continuity of the legacy of Ya. A. Komensky and domestic scientists in the interpretation of the goals, objectives and means of the pedagogical process is established.
Key words Ya. A. Komensky, pansophy, Russian pedagogy of the XIX century, Russian abroad, culture, spirituality, category of integrity
Article information
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Full articleThe Formation of the Theory and Methodology of Human Education in the Works of Ya. A. Komensky and in the Russian Philosophical and Pedagogical Ideas of the 19th ‒ first half of the 20th centuries