Article name The Formation of Methodological Competence of Primary School Teachers on the Formation of Meta-Concepts of Younger Schoolchildren
Authors Kurganskaya A.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Kurganskaya A. V. The Formation of Methodological Competence of Primary School Teachers on the Formation of Meta-Concepts of Younger Schoolchildren // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 2. P. 26–34. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2023-18-2-26-34.
Section Modern Pedagogy: Trends, Technologies and Innovations
UDK 373.3
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-26-34
Article type Original article
Annotation One of the urgent problems in primary general education is the problem of achieving meta-subject results by younger students, one of which is the formation of meta-subject concepts. The latter contributes to improving the quality of educational results, forming a picture of the world. In this regard, primary school teachers need to know what meta-concepts are, their types, what meta-concepts are studied by younger students. Teachers should be able to choose and apply appropriate learning strategies, methods, techniques, technologies for the formation of meta-concepts among younger students. The article offers examples of meta- concepts used in elementary school in the study of literary reading, fine art, music. The purpose of the study is to identify the state of formation of methodological competence of primary school teachers in the formation of meta-concepts among younger schoolchildren. The author uses a method of analyzing scientific theories, which made it possible to reveal various aspects, separate views of scientists on the concept of “meta-understanding” in younger schoolchildren. The generalization method has made it possible to determine the need and directions for the formation of the appropriate methodological competence among primary school teachers. The questionnaire method has been used to study the level of formation of methodological competence among primary school teachers in Chita on the formation of meta-concepts of younger schoolchildren. The author analyzes the results of the study conducted in order to identify the formation of methodological competence of primary school teachers in Chita on the younger schoolchildren’s meta-concepts formation. The survey showed that teachers understand the importance of forming meta-concepts of younger schoolchildren; have an idea of some meta-concepts; but do not clearly understand what methods, techniques; technologies can be used to form them. The analysis of teacher questionnaires indicates the need for systematic work to increase the methodological competence of primary school teachers in the field of younger schoolchildren’s meta-concepts formation. In the article, the author indicates the prospects for research: conducting methodological associations, seminars, master classes for primary school teachers.
Key words meta-concepts, types of meta-concepts, primary general education, competence, junior student,methodological competence of primary school teachers, levels of formation of methodological competence
Article information
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