Annotation |
The article presents an analysis of research on the issues of e-learning, training primary school teachers
to use electronic educational resources, online applications and platforms in the educational process at
the present stage. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibilities of using online educational
resources, online applications in primary general education. Applied research methods: theoretical – analysis
of pedagogical and educational literature, articles of scientists and practical teachers, generalization of the
results obtained. Factors characterizing the features of the modern educational environment have led to an
abundance of digital resources. Their accessibility and diversity actualize the need for their selection for the
effective organization of the educational process in primary school. This study is devoted to the problem of
digitalization of education through the use of online resources, online applications, various environments in
primary general education. Based on the analysis of the research, the article presents models of e-learning,
gives the basic concepts of e-learning, distance learning system, its application possibilities, in particular,
at the level of primary general education, reveals the features of using online applications, analyzes some online resources that will help a teacher in his pedagogical activity. According to the results of the study, the
conclusion is formulated about the introduction of an electronic educational environment into the teacher’s
professional activity, into the educational institution poses the task of preparing teachers for the use of electronic
educational resources, online platforms and applications in teaching younger schoolchildren. The use
of open digital educational resources and services contribute to increasing the interest of students, will enrich
the pedagogical piggy bank of teachers, improve the educational process. |
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