Article name To the Problem of Developing the Foundations of Critical Thinking of Older Preschool Children in the Conditions of Preschool
Authors Ulzytuyeva A.I. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Afanasyeva T.A. master’s student,
Bibliographic description Ulzytueva A. I., Afanasyeva T. A. To the problem of developing the foundations of critical thinking of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of preschool // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 2. Р. 97–105. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-97-105.
Section Theory and methodology of preschool and additional education of children
UDK 378.14.015.62
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-97-105
Article type Original article
Annotation Functional literacy is one of the basic skills that modern children need. The relevance of the formation of functional literacy problem is indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. The purpose of the article is a theoretical and practical substantiation of the problem of developing the foundations of critical thinking of older preschool children as one of the components of functional literacy. Within the framework of the study, the authors interpret the humanitarian approach to the organization of educational activities as a methodological one. Theoretical (analysis, systematization, etc.) and empirical (pedagogical observation, included observation) research methods were used in the work. Empirical methods were aimed at identifying the levels of development of critical thinking foundations of older preschoolers. During the diagnosis, the authors identified the initial, medium and high levels of development of the critical thinking basics in older preschoolers and gave a description of each of them. The definition of levels was based on the following parameters: the ability to formulate new questions, the ability to select and substantiate arguments, the ability to correctly perceive the reasoning of another, to identify cause-and-effect relationships, to build counterarguments, the ability to comprehend experience, ideas and ideas, and on their basis to build their own judgment. The development of the critical thinking foundations should be carried out, according to the authors, in organized educational activities in the implementation of such educational areas as “Cognitive development” and “Social and communicative development”, through innovative technologies and techniques. The article provides examples of such techniques, with special attention being paid to the “Fishbone” technique. The work also identifies sections of the educational program, during the development of which it is possible to use technologies and techniques aimed at solving the designated problem. The study of the development of the foundations of older preschoolers’ critical thinking requires further theoretical and practical study; the prospects for research are seen in the inclusion of innovative technologies in the implementation of all educational areas in accordance with the educational program of the preschool educational institution.
Key words functional literacy, thinking, critical thinking, logical analysis, senior preschooler
Article information
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Full articleTo the Problem of Developing the Foundations of Critical Thinking of Older Preschool Children in the Conditions of Preschool