Annotation |
The article reveals the values of the modern school, taking into account the impact of the negative consequences
of a paradigm shift in the perception of the world in the eyes of society. The phenomenon of the
Olympiad movement is considered in the context of the cultural approach – the Olympiad as an instrument for
the development of creative abilities of schoolchildren – and at the same time as a system exposed by school
and society. The functions and values of education are considered, the purpose of the study is refracted in the
analysis of their perception in the eyes of school teachers at a cut-off of 30 years. The research methodology
is based on the relationship of axiological, culturological, informational, systemic and activity approaches; as
methods, we used reading scientific literature on the topic, classification, generalization (theoretical), questionnaire
of teachers (empirical). As part of the study in 2022 and 2023 we held meetings with teachers from
different regions, including the following: Lipetsk region, Kemerovo region, Moscow region, the Republic of
Mari El, the city of Moscow. The survey sample was presented by 236 teachers from these subjects of the
Russian Federation. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that attitudes towards the values of school
education changed in the eyes of teachers. Destructive social tendencies found refraction in reducing the
role of independent thinking and a solid foundation of knowledge, which was partly the result of a change
in the pedagogical paradigm in the country, the transition to the Bologna process in higher education, intensive
standardization, the introduction of the Unified State Exam. The positive side of the present is the high
cognitive and creative activity of a significant part of students – students and schoolchildren. Analysis of the
goals of school education through the prism of official documents and opinions of teachers indicates that in
the context of transformational processes, the school has a fairly powerful resource in the form of a mass
olympiad multi-subject and multi-level movement, allowing each student to train and use their mental strength
and abilities in the olympiad marathon. |
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