Article name Possibilities of Network Educational Events in the Implementation of Educational Tasks in the Context of Digitalization
Authors Zhambalova E.C. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description Zhambalova E. Ch. Possibilities of Network Educational Events in the Implementation of Educational Tasks in the Context of Digitalization // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. Р. 15–22. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-15-22.
UDK 371.31
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-15-22
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to the description of the experience of approbation of network educational events in the education system of the Transbaikal region within the framework of the project ‟Education and upbringing in coexistence”. The purpose of the research is to identify the possibilities of network educational events aimed at solving educational problems in the context of digitalization, and to present the experience of their use in educational organizations of the Transbaikal region. Research objectives are the following: to identify the characteristic features of network educational events and their difference from educational events; to describe the practices of organizing networking events, the main task of which is the implementation of the educational component; to identify personal outcomes that can be generated by participants during a networking event. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents on the problem, the analysis and description of the experience of testing network events in the practice of teachers in the Transbaikal region, content analysis of the network events. The article presents the characteristic features of network educational events, approaches to the definition of the concepts of “event”, “network educational event” and their difference from educational events; describes the practices of organizing network educational events, presents an analysis of the topics of seventeen events, the main task of which was the implementation of the educational component. Furthermore, the list of personal results, which these events were aimed to achieve, is identified. One of the results of the analysis is the identification of the problematic and thematic field of the events held, which includes: fostering respect and love for the Motherland, stimulating the interest of schoolchildren in scientific discoveries and initiating their own projects and research, developing intercultural communication, shaping students’ ethnocultural identity, environmental education and enlightenment in geography and ecology. Conclusions are drawn about the potential of network educational events in achieving educational tasks and personal results in the context of digitalization and the widespread use of digital technologies.
Key words event, network educational event, digital technologies, upbringing, educational system of the Transbaikal region
Article information
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Full articlePossibilities of Network Educational Events in the Implementation of Educational Tasks in the Context of Digitalization