Article name Teacher of the Future as a Guarantor of the Sustainable Development of the Region
Authors Fomitskaya G.N. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Dagbaeva N.Z. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Khaludorova L.E. Doctor of Pedagogy, l.e.khaludorova@mail. ru
Bibliographic description Fomitskaya G. N., Dagbaeva N. Zh., Khaludorova L. E. Teacher of the Future as a Guarantor of the Sustainable Development of the Region // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. Р. 48–58. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2023-18-3-48-58.
UDK 378.147.88
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-48-58
Article type Original article
Annotation This article examines the processes of transformation of forms and technologies of pedagogical education in a classical university, networking and the organization of additional professional education. The purpose of this article is to identify and characterize new approaches to the training and consolidation of teachers in the field. Research objectives: to identify and substantiate the innovative potential of the content of the “core” of pedagogical education, the network interaction of the university and social partners in the transformation of forms and technologies of pedagogical education and postgraduate support of teachers. The main research method was the analysis of scientific literature, resolutions of forums and meetings of the pedagogical community, as well as the practical experience of the university’s interaction with the Republican Institute of Educational Policy. The characteristics of the basic concepts are given: education for sustainable development, the core of pedagogical education, early profiling, the “Life long Learning” paradigm. The most effective mechanisms for solving the identified problems are substantiated. Within the framework of the study, the analysis of the processes that actualized the introduction of the “core of pedagogical education” in terms of bachelor’s degree training in pedagogical specialties, generalization of existing experience, justification of positive results through the prism of an interdisciplinary approach, and formulated the main directions of further activities for the organization of teacher training of a new type. The first direction provides for the interaction of the university with schools for the organization of joint scientific, practical and innovative educational activities, the development of individual educational trajectories for each student. The second direction is related to the development and implementation of new forms of career guidance. The third direction provides for the implementation of new mechanisms of interaction with management bodies and educational organizations in the distribution graduates by schools and their successful adaptation. In conclusion, Conclusions are drawn about the need to reflect the transformation of pedagogical education in scientific research, in the development and implementation of new pedagogical specialties.
Key words sustainable development, the core of teacher education, early profiling, “Life long Learning” paradigm, networking
Article information
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Full articleTeacher of the Future as a Guarantor of the Sustainable Development of the Region