Article name Illustrated Interdisciplinary Hydrological Dictionary: An Experience in Visualizing Educational Information
Authors Sokolova A.A. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Sokolova A. A. Illustrated Interdisciplinary Hydrological Dictionary: An Experience in Visualizing Educational Information // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. Р. 152–160. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-152-160.
Section Scientific Life
UDK 372.891+371.335.5+001.4+556
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-152-160
Article type Original article
Annotation contains scientific and folk terminology of the hydrosphere, vocabulary of traditional nature management, Christian and pre-Christian mythology. The main methods of creating a Dictionary are systematization and visualization of concepts. Dictionary materials can be used in the educational process in basic, secondary and higher schools and in the tourism industry when developing ethnic and ecological tours. The dictionary is being compiled on the basis of explanatory dictionaries of hydrological concepts, encyclopedias, as well as dictionaries of Russian dialects of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Novgorod Pskov regions and the Republic of Karelia. The main objects included in the system of folk hydrological knowledge have been established: 1) underground waters: springs with water of various mineralization and hardness, seepages, underground and surface karst; 2) rivers: morphology of valleys of mountain and plain type, elements of the structure of the transverse and longitudinal profile, dynamics of channel processes, water and ice regime; aquatic vegetation, commercial ichthyofauna, riverine villages and lands, fishing grounds; 3) lakes: morphology and lithology of the lake basin, water and ice regime, commercial ichthyofauna, lakeside villages and lands, fishing grounds; 4) seas: morphology and lithology of coasts and shelves, commercial species of animals and plants, coastal villages and lands, fishing grounds, navigational signs. Folk terms fix the properties of objects (shape, mechanical composition, color, etc.), which are accessible to direct observation and have practical significance. Comparison of the objects of the nomination showed a high level of adaptation of the population of river valleys, lakeside and coastal settlements to the natural conditions of the northwestern regions of Russia.
Key words terminology, hydrology, dialectology, interdisciplinary research, electronic educational resources, higher education, basic and secondary general education
Article information
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