Article name Intraclass Level Differentiation as a Model for Organizing the Educational Process in an Inclusive Classroom
Authors Zvoleyko, E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Zvoleyko E. V. Intraclass Level Differentiation as a Model for Organizing the Educational Process in an Inclusive Classroom // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. Р. 106–116. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-106-116.
Section Theory and methodology of basic and secondary school education
UDK 373:376
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-106-116
Article type
Annotation A form of convergence between general and special education systems is the creation of inclusive classes, which consists of two categories of schoolchildren ‒ normally developing and schoolchildren with disabilities. Normally developing schoolchildren have different levels of development ‒ from very high to very low and therefore cannot master the educational program at the same level. Schoolchildren with disabilities experience significant difficulties in mastering general education programs. Since the inclusive class is characterized by heterogeneity of composition, the teacher is faced with the problem of teaching students taking into account the existing unequal opportunities. The relevance of the article is due to the need to highlight pedagogical technology, which can be taken as the basis for modeling the educational process in an inclusive classroom. The article is a scientific review on the problem of differentiated learning and has the goal of substantiating and identifying the leading pedagogical technology applicable in the work of a teacher in an inclusive classroom. The method of analysis of normative documents regulating primary general and special education, the method of analysis of educational and methodological materials in the field of differentiation of education, inclusive schools, comparative analysis of texts, the method of generalization and systematization of teaching experience are used by the author. The article substantiates and defines the leading pedagogical technology applicable in an inclusive classroom ‒ the technology of intraclass level differentiation, and describes the general plan for organizing the work of a teacher to introduce this technology into the educational process. A diagnostic complex is presented that makes it possible to solve the problem of selecting students into groups that have individual typological differences in the performance of educational activities, with the aim of their intraclass differentiation. According to N. F. Kruglova, reliable criteria for differentiating schoolchildren in an inclusive class are the individual characteristics of the formation and functioning of the processes of conscious voluntary regulation of activity, as well as the quality and level of formation of cognitive processes. Prospects for further research are related to the development of methodological aspects of organizing the work of an inclusive class teacher in conditions of intraclass level differentiation.
Key words differentiated learning, learning model, intra-class level differentiation technology, inclusiveeducation, inclusive education technologies, students with disabilities
Article information
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Full articleIntraclass Level Differentiation as a Model for Organizing the Educational Process in an Inclusive Classroom