Article name Monitoring the Components of Developing a Healthy Lifestyle for Students
Authors Popova N.N. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Mikhalev V. . Candidate of Agriculture, Applicant for a Master’s Degree,
Bibliographic description Popova N. N., Mikhalev V. S. Monitoring the Components of Developing a Healthy Lifestyle for Students // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 1. Р. 91–101. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114- 2024-19-1-91-101.
UDK 37. 061
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-1-91-101
Article type Original article
Annotation By updating the practicability of comprehensive support of our country population health, the authors set scientific and practical guidelines for guaranteeing the strengthening of young people health. An analysis of the health risks for student youth is presented, the list of which is specified by authors: lack of motivation for a healthy lifestyle (HLS); passive relaxation in gadgets and destructive attitudes towards professional health. The following methods were used: cross-sectional method; survey, questioning, testing; Pearson correlation analysis. A pilot survey of the main indicators of healthy lifestyle among students at an agricultural university showed deficient state of the problem: weak interest in sports and low physical activity, priority of career, material values and entertainment over health. Based on axiological and activity approaches, the formation of a healthy lifestyle the agricultural university students (value-motivational, activity-based, emotional and cognitive) has been specified, it relies on a system of leading value orientations (life wisdom (p = -0.850) and freedom (p = -0.824)) and inclusion in emotionally and motivationally significant activities (pleasant (p = 0.787), emotionally rich (p = 0.672) and cheerful (p = 0.646) pastime, filled with cognitive activity (p = 0.673) and interesting work (p = 0.564)). Authors describe a system of preventive measures that has a scientific explanation for the effectiveness of developing productive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among students. Taking into account the regional characteristics of the organization of educational spaces, reliable diagnostic tools have been developed for monitoring the degree of destructive attitudes of students that affect their health indicators. Authors give recommendations for organizing a system of university processes to develop students’ healthy lifestyle, significantly expanding their awareness of the professional and trans-professional skills of healthy lifestyle culture, techniques and technologies for care of their health.
Key words monitoring, destructive attitudes, healthy lifestyle, students, system of preventive measures
Article information
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