Article name Alternative Methodology for Retrospective Analysis of the “Children`s Movement” Phenomenon in Russia late 19 th – early 21 st centuries
Authors Onishchenko E.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description Onishchenko E. V. Alternative Methodology for Retrospective Analysis of the “Children`s Movement” Phenomenon in Russia late 19 th – early 21 st centuries // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. Р. 60–70. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-60-70.
Section Modern Pedagogy: Trends, Technologies and Innovations
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-60-70
Article type Original article
Annotation The article in the genre of scientific notes considers the main stages of genesis of the phenomenon of “children’s movement” of the late XIX – early XXI centuries. in Russia. The assessment of the design and development of this socio-cultural phenomenon is offered as part of the approbation of paradigm methodology. A retrospective analysis of the peculiarities of the “children’s movement” is given in the context of presentation of a consistent change of 3 conceptual paradigms: “pedocentrist”, “sociocentrist”, “institutocentric”, characteristic for the historiogenesis of sociokinetics, as a special scientific field. These models have different, inherently universal orientations, determined by the need to take into account the alternative needs of its various actors – the children’s or professional-pedagogical community itself (as leading educators as a basic social institution). Characteristic features of such models transformation in terms of modernization of the dominant ideological position in Russia in relation to childhood and its subculture have been declared. A brief description of the procedure of initiation and creation of diverse in content and forms of organization of activities of children’s associations in the context of substantiation of the possibility of using the results of the analysis for their practical reconstruction during the Training for future teachers. The novelty of retrospective analysis is connected with the fact that the historical experience of the registration of the children’s movement (as a special scientific direction – sociokinetics) is considered from the point of view of activation of involvement of children and youth in sociocultural activity in modern conditions, as well as the potential prospects of its modern reassessment and interpretation.
Key words children’s community, children’s associations, children’s movement, historiogenesis, paradigm methodology, retrospective analysis, sociokinetics
Article information
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Full articleAlternative Methodology for Retrospective Analysis of the “Children`s Movement” Phenomenon in Russia late 19 th – early 21 st centuries