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The article is devoted to identifying universal educational actions that contribute to more successful aesthetic knowledge by younger students. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in modern pedagogical science and in the federal state educational standards of primary general education, an approach to understanding universal educational actions as well as actions in the field of scientific knowledge is presented, which does not correspond to the formation of universal educational actions of younger students in the field of aesthetic knowledge. The purpose of the article is to identify universal educational actions that contribute to a more successful aesthetic knowledge of younger students. To achieve this goal, such methods as analysis, systematization, generalization are used. The author notes that the universal educational actions of younger schoolchildren are formed mainly in the process of scientific knowledge, and in the lessons of the aesthetic cycle (literary reading, visual arts, music) it is necessary to form universal educational actions that contribute to the formation of skills in younger schoolchildren to analyze, interpret a work of art, identify the author’s attitude and his own to the work. The author correlates the formed universal educational actions of younger schoolchildren in the process of scientific and aesthetic knowledge. It is revealed that universal educational actions of scientific knowledge do not always contribute to the full communication of younger schoolchildren with works of art. The author defines the universal educational actions of younger students in the field of aesthetic cognition: perception of visual and expressive means of the language of art, knowledge of their functions in a work of art; recreating pictures of life created by the author of a work of art; establishing casual relations, analyzing the logic of action development in a work of art; holistically perceiving the image in a work of art; determining the author’s position in a work of art; comprehending the artistic idea of a work of art.
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