Article name Using Comics in High School English Lessons
Authors Melikyan A. . Candidate of Philology,
Maksimenko Y.B. 2nd year master degree student,
Bibliographic description Melikyan A. V., Maksimenko Yu. B. Using Comics in High School English Lessons // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. P. 97–105. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-97-105.
UDK 372.881.111.1
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-97-105
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of using English-language comic books in teaching English to high school students, as well as the principles of working with such texts. A comic book is consi­dered as a polycoded literary and graphic work containing linguistic, social and cultural components and related to literature, visual art and/or a work of mass culture. Comics are an effective means of motivating interest in learning a foreign language, it captivates, stimulates creative activity, turns learning into a creative, active and productive process. A comic book is a means of quick transmission of information; it allows you to form stable grammatical and structural models and patterns effectively. When teaching a foreign language, it is important to use modern methods and approaches (personality-oriented, personality-active, competency-based, communicative and socio-cultural), while comics are an up-to-date tool of implementing these educational tasks. The system of tasks aimed at the development of communicative-predictive, cognitive, perceptual, analytical and socio-cultural competences is proposed. They contribute to the improvement of attentiveness and perception skills, as well as the development of the skill of analyzing external information. Since comics often reflect national and cultural realities (nationally marked language units, slang, phraseological expressions, allusions – all elements that burden the understanding of a statement by a non-native speaker), their study is of particular importance. Tasks based on the material of comics stimulate critical thinking of schoolchildren, while at the same time touching on the emotional component. At the same time, students not only identify national and cultural realities in the graphic works of the country of the studied language, but also compare them with the features of their native culture, which leads to a deeper comparative analysis of the cultures of the studied and native languages.
Key words teaching methodology, comic book, communicative-predictive, cognitive, perceptual, analytical and sociocultural competencies
Article information
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