Article |
Article name |
The East Slavonic Phraseology in the Light of Human Intellectual Faculties Images (the Concepts «the Human Intellectual Faculties») |
Authors |
Sergeeva N.M.Kemerovo State University
Bibliographic description |
Section |
ББК Ш-142.12 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article focuses on the concepts «HUMAN INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES» in the east
Slavonic phraseology. This concept represents a mosaic structure of different images. «HUMAN
INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES» appears at one and the same time as an animate and inanimate
object in author’s picture of the world. That is why «HUMAN INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES
» turns out to be an object which is influenced and consequently, is to be changed.
Key words |
the concept, the metaphor, the comparative analysis, the anthropocentrism |
Article information |
References |
Full article | The East Slavonic Phraseology in the Light of Human Intellectual Faculties Images (the Concepts «the Human Intellectual Faculties») |