Article name The Elements of the Magical Realism in Ana Castillo’s writing (on the Novels «Sapogonia» and «So Far From God» Material)
Authors Prineslik E.A.senior teacher
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 82.081 (8=6)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the well-known Chicana writer Ana Castillo fiction. The author analyses the specificities of magical realism in Ana Castillo’s works. The use of the magical realism elements in the writer’s novels reflects the peculiarities of her creative thinking.
Key words magical realism, Mexican-American literature, specificity, Chicano culture, time, space.
Article information
Full articleThe Elements of the Magical Realism in Ana Castillo’s writing (on the Novels «Sapogonia» and «So Far From God» Material)