Article name Keeping Students Familiar with the Values of the National Culture and Using the Intercultural Comparative Approach in Foreign Language Teaching
Authors Gvozdeva E.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor
Loginova E.G.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 378.14
Article type
Annotation Modern foreign languages teaching is based on the fact that language in the educational process acts not only as a means of communication and cognition but as a way to enter into the cultural field and mentality of the nation. On the one hand, foreign culture studying results in the extension of students’ linguistic view of the world, forming their dialogic attitude to the phenomena of other cultural reality and value hierarchy. On the other hand, a person learning foreign culture is able to understand his own culture better and deeper and realize himself as its bearer. The intercultural approach implies the consideration of human problems in terms of two or more cultures. It contributes to the comparative and contrastive analysis of native culture phenomena. Leading to a comparison of native culture with the culture of the target language and thereby enriching and extending knowledge about the realities of national culture this approach to foreign language teaching is an effective means to keep students familiar with their cultural values.
Key words culture, national culture, foreign language, education, dialogue, values, language, foreign language, intercultural comparative approach, intercultural communication, tolerance, traditions, text.
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Full articleKeeping Students Familiar with the Values of the National Culture and Using the Intercultural Comparative Approach in Foreign Language Teaching