Article name The Influence of Professional Tests on High School Students’ Choice of Professional Activity
Authors Shilova M.I.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Corresponding member of RAE
Kashapova N.V.Principal
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 373.6
Article type
Annotation The article highlights the problem of professional determination among senior pupils. During the professional tests teenagers “try on” the professions in practice, they understand whether they like them or not. The schoolchildren begin to realize the responsibility and the importance of making a decision in this sphere. While taking the tests, all the students get a chance to evaluate their needs and demands in a practical activity. According to the definite criteria in organizing such career tests a great variety of methods were used for defying the level of students’ readiness for choosing a job. The authors interpret the results after comparing the dynamic changes in different tests with the groups of the tested pupils and those who were not tested. The results of this research prove that the pupils who took part in career tests were prepared for career prospects better than those who were not tested.
Key words implementation of professional tests, high school students’ choice of professional activity, professional tests, students’ evaluation of their needs and capabilities, practical activity, determination of high school students’ readiness.
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Full articleThe Influence of Professional Tests on High School Students’ Choice of Professional Activity