Article name The Elective Course Political Rhetoric in the Aspect of Forming Communicative Universal Educational Actions
Authors Sukhanova O.A.graduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 37.016: 808.5
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of forming communicative universal educational actions that serve as the learners’ ability to self-development and self-perfection, an opportunity to independently acquire new knowledge, skills and competences, i.e. the ability to learn. One way of forming these skills is the elective course Political Rhetoric which will help students apply their knowledge and skills in their own speech practice. The article presents the program of the elective course Political Rhetoric.
Key words subject of teaching, communicative universal educational actions, oral speech, political rhetoric.
Article information
Full articleThe Elective Course Political Rhetoric in the Aspect of Forming Communicative Universal Educational Actions