Article name The Professional Values of Modern Economists as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem
Authors Manchenko I.P.Senior Teacher
Bibliographic description Manchenko I. P. The Professional Values of Modern Economists as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 84–90. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-84-90.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-84 -90
UDK 378.011.3-051
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the article is due to significant transformations of various aspects of public life that affect the professional values of the economist’s personality. This defines the tasks of modernizing higher economic education, including finding new approaches to its axiologization, which requires determining the system of professional values of the personality of a modern economist. The author emphasizes the lack of development of the problem of the formation of professional values of the personality of future economists due to the prevailing approaches of researchers to the study of vocational and value orientations, professional orientation and professional self-determination of these specialists. An author’s understanding of the essence of professional values of the personality of a modern economist has been proposed. A theoretical analysis of the approaches of domestic scientists to determining the professional values of the personality of an economist was carried out, which made it possible to form an initial list of values reflecting the general characteristics of different areas of economic activity. Using the method of expert assessment, a generalized system of professional values of the modern economist was formed, such as the interaction of socio-professional, vocational-group and personal-professional values. The methods of mathematical statistics revealed the reliability of the results and the possibility of using them in the study. By the method of expert ranking, the hierarchy of professional values of the personality of the modern economist for each of the groups is determined. This should be considered as the basis for determining the pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the professional values of the personality of future economists in the process of their professional training.
Key words social transformations, economic education, economist, professional values of personality, value-sense basis, method of expert assessment
Article information
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