Article name A Numerical Study of the Propagation of a Shock Wave of Extremely Low Intensity from a Pure Gas into an Electrically Charged Dusty Medium
Authors Akhunov A.A.Graduate Student
Tukmakov D.A. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Bibliographic description Akhunov A. A., Tukmakova N. A., Tukmakov D. A. A Numerical Study of the Propagation of a Shock Wave of Extremely Low Intensity from a Pure Gas into an Electrically Charged Dusty Medium / / Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 3. PP. 6-18. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-6-18.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-6-18
UDK 51-72:533:537
Article type
Annotation In this paper, authors consider the propagation of a shock wave of extremely low intensity from a pure gas to a heterogeneous mixture consisting of solid particles suspended in a gas and having an electric charge. The mathematical model used takes into account the speed and thermal interaction of the carrier and dispersed components of the mixture. The force interaction of particles and gas included the Stokes force, the strength of the attached masses, as well as the dynamic force of Archimedes. The carrier medium was described as a viscous compressible heat-conducting gas. The equations of the mathematical model were solved by the explicit finitedifference method of the second order of accuracy, using the non-linear correction of the grid function. The system of equations of the mathematical model was supplemented by boundary and initial conditions for the desired functions. As a result of numerical simulation, it was found that in an electrically charged gas suspension there is a difference in pressure and gas velocity, the velocity of the dispersed component, from similar values in a gas suspension with an electrically neutral dispersed component. The revealed differences in the parameters of the carrier medium during the propagation of a shock wave from a pure gas into a neutral and electrically charged dusty medium arise due to the force interaction of the gas and solid components of a heterogeneous mixture, the solid component of which is affected by the Coulomb force.
Key words multiphase media, interfacial interaction, shock waves, Navier-Stokes equation, internal electric field, electrohydrodynamics
Article information
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Full articleA Numerical Study of the Propagation of a Shock Wave of Extremely Low Intensity from a Pure Gas into an Electrically Charged Dusty Medium