Article name Parameters of Plastic Deformation Process During Internal Thread Tapping
Authors Berezin S.Y.Doctor of Engineering
Bibliographic description Berezin S. Ya. Parameters of Plastic Deformation Process During Internal Thread Tapping / / Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No 3. PP. 75-84. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-75-84.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-15-3-75-84
UDK 620.178.6
Article type
Annotation The article presents an analysis of the conditions for the formation of internal threaded profiles during the operation of the initial deforming scroll of the threaded fas-tener. To describe the conditions, geometric elements of the working sections of the de-forming coil and graphical diagrams of the process of its implementation are presented. Mathematical dependencies have been developed to determine the main parameters of the deformation process, such as the degree, speed, volume of deformation, etc. They are necessary for calculating the power parameters of the thread forming process both under normal conditions and when using intensifying influences. The proposed calcula-tion method can be easily adapted for the analysis of such processes, in particular in the operation of deforming a taps.
Key words thread tapping, internal thread, hole wall, plastic deformation, thread forming fasteners, deforming a tap, absolute deformation
Article information
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Full articleParameters of Plastic Deformation Process During Internal Thread Tapping