Article name Features of the Physical Characteristics of Water Near Zero Degrees Celsius
Authors Bordonsky G.S.Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the Chief of the Laboratory of Cryogenesis Geophysics
Bibliographic description Bordonskiy G. S. Features of the Physical Characteristics of Water Near Zero Degrees Celsius / / Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 3. PP. 85-93. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-85-93.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-85-93
UDK 544.344.015.3
Article type
Annotation The article considers the physical characteristics of water near 0 °C. This question is important because the characteristics of liquid water in the region of 0. . . 4 °C undergo sharp changes. It is assumed that this behavior of the physical properties of water is associated with the influence of its second critical point, located at a temperature of -53 °C and a pressure of 100 MPa. From this point in the pressure-temperature phase diagram, the Widom line emanates, on which fluctuations in density and entropy increase sharply. It is assumed that fluctuations of thermodynamic quantities determine the anomalies in the physicochemical characteristics of water, including in the region of negative pressures. Negative pressures can exist in the pores of hydrophilic sorbents. The found Widom line at negative pressures in the limiting case can reach 0 °C.
Key words cold water, the second critical point, Widom line, anomalies water characteristics
Article information
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Full articleFeatures of the Physical Characteristics of Water Near Zero Degrees Celsius