Article name Spiritual Culture and Issues of Religious Tolerance in the Trans-Asian Context
Authors Arzumanov I.A.Doctor of Culturology, professor
Kamedina L.V.Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 71.04
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Annotation The important functions of peoples’ spiritual cultures are the formation and maintenance of socio-cultural integrity, transfer of spiritual traditions, upbringing of individuals, their protection from destructive influences, including religious ones. Protecting people’s spiritual culture, the state encourages them to religious tolerance. Meanwhile, imposed, alien to the people religious innovations cause significant harm to the spiritual health of the nation, destroy the natural harmonious state of the personality, his spiritual, mental and physical world. They are in confrontation with the spiritual meanings of national cultures. The introduction of alien religious innovations into traditional confessions may deal with changes in the national foundations of the society’s cultural basis and be a factor of modern geopolitics. Hence, more than ever, research on regional religious innovations is relevant.
Key words spiritual culture, tolerance, religious innovations, geopolitics.
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Full articleSpiritual Culture and Issues of Religious Tolerance in the Trans-Asian Context