Article |
Article name |
Pedagogy of Adaptive Sports and Extracurricular Activities in the Special School |
Authors |
Kalenik E.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
376.1:796.035 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The current trend in the work of educational institutions is improving extracurricular activities.
The main purpose of extracurricular activities in a special school is to create, expand and enrich the
educational space in the microsociety – the nearest life environment of a special child, to ensure his
successful adaptation to modern social and cultural conditions. The article presents an innovative educational
model of adaptive sports and extracurricular activities of the special school which includes
the subsets: rehabilitation, development, training and education. It shows the component parts, criteria
indicators, each unit objectives whose combination provides mentally retarded students’ socialization.
In the technology of organizing adaptive sports and extracurricular activities of subsidiary institutions
it is desirable to consider the proposed social, didactic and special methodological principles.
Key words |
adaptive sports and extracurricular activities, rehabilitation, development, education,
training, socializing, mentally retarded schoolchidren, principles. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Pedagogy of Adaptive Sports and Extracurricular Activities in the Special School |