Article name Forming Professional Competence of Master of Environmental Education Program Students in the Process of Scientific and Pedagogical Practice
Authors Igumnova E.A.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Gorlachev V.P.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.046
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the scientific and pedagogical practice of the master’s program “Environmental Education” with emphasis on “Science Education” designed on the basis of the competent approach and justifies its role in the formation of professional competence of the master’s program students. The principal activities of the students during the period of scientific and pedagogical practice are organizational, educational and methodical, educational and scientific research. The priority is given to educational mini-research in the process of master’s program students’ interaction with the subjects of the educational space of the profile school as well as the learners’ organization of socially oriented environmental projects. On the basis of mini-research projects the student gets an idea of the modern school, educational process and specificity of organizing environmental education. The master’s program student acquires the skills to solve problems using professional knowledge, life experience and values, gains research experience in real situations of the educational process subjects’ interaction.
Key words environmental education, master’s program student, professional competence, scientific and pedagogical practice.
Article information
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