Article |
Article name |
The Theoretical Foundations for the Formation of Schoolchildren’s Civic Consciousness in the Information Society |
Authors |
Dorzhieva L.B. |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
37.017.4 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article addresses the theoretical foundations for the formation of civic spirit in the information
society as one of the key competencies of modern man who is interested in his own successful
adaptation and self-actualization in the electronic state and the information society. It analyzes the
importance of civic education, starting with the works of ancient philosophers and scientists of the
Soviet period to modern researchers. The structure of the personality’s civic consciousness includes
such components as knowledge of civil law, civil and legal skills and experience of civil activities. The
civilian position is valuable as a spiritual and moral category. The role of mass media in shaping civic
consciousness is growing, since mass media can provide a link between all structures and spheres of the
information society. The paper provides a scientific and pedagogical analysis of civic consciousness as
a factor in sustainable development of the information society.
Key words |
civic consciousness, information society, civic position, sustainable development. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Theoretical Foundations for the Formation of Schoolchildren’s Civic Consciousness in the Information Society |