Article |
Article name |
Features of Man’s Psychological Adaptation in Imprisonment Conditions |
Authors |
Gvozdev V.A.graduate student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159.923 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with multilevel indicators of offenders’ psychological adaptation in the conditions
of imprisonment. The conditions of imprisonment are inadequate to human nature. There is a
need to study man’s psychological adaptation to these complicated conditions of living. The condition
of imprisonment as a component of offenders’ living environment is not only a destructive factor but
a resource that mobilizes man’s physical and mental strength. The study is based on the systematicity
principle. Psychological adaptation is considered as a systemic feature of the system “man – living
environment” and consists of psycho-physiological, mental and socio-psychological levels. The study
presents the results of preliminary research and emphasizes the decrease of adaptation rates on the mental
level (emotional disorders). The rates of adaptation at the socio-psychological level reach normative
values due to social compensation.
Key words |
living environment, imprisonment, psychological adaptation, systematicity principle,
adaptation structure, adaptation levels. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Features of Man’s Psychological Adaptation in Imprisonment Conditions |