Article name Relationship of Personal Self-governance and Social-Communicative Competence of Modern University Students
Authors Kravets G.V.
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.183
Article type
Annotation The article describes the theoretical and experimental aspects of forming social and communicative competences (S������������������������������������������������������������������������������СС����������������������������������������������������������������������������) in conjunction with self-governance (SG) of future psychologists. The category of self-governance is considered as a purposeful change which allows the person to manage his/ her own forms of activity: communication, behavior, actions and emotions. Social and communicative competence is an integrative characteristic of the individual which ensures his/her social and communicative success. The results of the statistical analysis of the data from the ascertaining phase of the study led to correlations between the indices of individual self-governance and the students’ SCC and revealed inadequate level of their development. At the formative phase of the study, the author worked out and implemented the program for students which included a cycle of social and psychological trainings combining personal and behavioral blocks to develop SCC in conjunction with personal selfgovernance. The control phase of the study proved high efficiency of the program.
Key words competence approach, self-governance, self-regulation, goal-setting, subjective localization of control, reflexivity, social and communicative competence, social and psychological training.
Article information
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Full articleRelationship of Personal Self-governance and Social-Communicative Competence of Modern University Students