Article |
Article name |
Research on Achievement Motivation of Evening School Students |
Authors |
Kurapova T.Y. educational psychologist |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159.99 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the study of achievement and failures avoidance motivation of evening
school students. It presents a brief description of the students’ contingent in these schools and emphasizes
the importance of studying personal characteristics of these students. It analyzes the main reasons
for teenagers’ leaving day secondary schools and entering evening schools and presents the results of
the study of the personality’s locus control. The paper offers the understanding of motivation as a dynamic
process of physiological and psychological management of man’s behaviour which determines
his orientation, organization, activity and stability. Based on the theoretical positions on motivation
development in ontogenesis and the concepts of motivating personality’s activity, an empirical study
was conducted to determine achievement motivation of evening school students compared with day
school students. The results obtained may be useful to teachers and psychologists of general secondary
schools in choosing an individual approach to teaching students.
Key words |
personality, motive, achievement motivation, avoidance of failures, evening school. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Research on Achievement Motivation of Evening School Students |