Article name Comparing Mechanisms for Solving Diagnostic, Problematic and Strategic Tasks by the Teachers with Different Levels of Productivity
Authors Vinogradova N.I.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Kasyanova Y.I.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.015.323
Article type
Annotation The author analyses the psychological mechanisms for developing primary school teachers’ professionalism. The criterion for evaluating the level of professionalism is the pupils’ level of universal educational activities. The analysis of the determinants of the effective professionalism formation is accomplished in the process of comparing the methods of highly productive, sufficiently productive, medium-productive and low-productive teachers’ work. The application of the method of “paired comparison” (as modified by N. V. Kuzmina) allows grouping teachers according to the levels of professional formation efficiency. The analysis and systematization of the most problematic tasks allow the author to provide a system of tasks to ensure the effective development of schoolchildren’s universal educational activities. The system includes 9 groups of tasks. A comparative analysis of the interconnection between the displays of different professionalism formation levels and the quality of the solution of the tasks related to the provision of schoolchildren’s cognitive self-development makes it possible to identify the mechanisms of productive solutions of this kind of problems. Teachers with medium and low productivity have the greatest problems when solving diagnostic, problematic and strategic tasks. Diagnostic and problematic tasks are connected with the differentiation of difficulties that pupils face during the period of the development of the health-protecting variant of the self-educational action as well as with the release of dominant units in these difficult situations. Strategic tasks are related to the ability to create facilities for the development of the pupils’ motivation to self-education not only for the immediate but for the long-term perspective. The author finds that low-productive teachers’ solution of diagnostic, problematic and strategic tasks that provide cognitive self-development of younger schoolchildren affects significantly the formation of professionalism. Keywords: teacher’s professionalism, psychological mechanisms for forming teachers’ professionalism, universal educational activities, productive solution of professional tasks, supporting pupils in their cognitive self-development, diagnostic and problematic tasks, strategic tasks.
Key words
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Full articleComparing Mechanisms for Solving Diagnostic, Problematic and Strategic Tasks by the Teachers with Different Levels of Productivity